Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Note For Weekend Wedding Bags Wedding Weekend Bags For Out Of Town Guests?

Wedding weekend bags for out of town guests? - note for weekend wedding bags

For each of our guests, I intend to get a bag filled with the following to:
Bottled water
Potato snack (potato chips, granola bars, etc.)
Homemade cookies
Personalized cards
Vegas-themed wedding TIC TAC
Travel Aspirin
Sunscreen Travel
Cards and Vouchers

Is there anything else I should know? Is it appropriate? I'm on a budget. The wedding is in Las Vegas.
In addition to the Hi, I thought, get a postcard, and write on the back, because that seems to be someone who sends postcards today, really - a little more than memories. Or I should be a postcard and write a welcome message separately?


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